The following elements provide an example of a high level overview of complex risk treatments. Each risk treatment in theTreatment Register might for example, require a single page outlining the following elements. That single page, might constitute an overview of a multi-million dollar, multi-year project.
Description: high level description of the treatment
Actions: three to seven steps required to implement
Achieved when: criteria or person which will determine completion
Risks Treated: list of risks or risk identifiers which are addressed by this treatment
Agreed by: persons or stakeholder groups consulted
Scope: types of risks, geography, groups, etc.
Schedule: timeframe for implementation cycle (e.g. annual review)
Resources: money, personnel, equipment required
Quality: standards or criteria for implementation
Lead Agent: person responsible
Implementation Parameters: references to documentation, processes (e.g.PRINCE2), etc.
Rationale and Application: links to other projects and rationale for choosing this treatment over others
Hierarchy of Controls: risk approach (engineering, administrative, etc. see: Hierarchy of Controls)
Bow-Tie: focus (likelihood or consequence management or both)